Rollcage Trolley

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Traditionally used in supermarket applications, these roll cage units are now commonly supplied into warehouse and workshop applications due to their versatility of use. The foldaway shelf design makes this unit suitable for large boxes as well as more standard ones. The nesting design of the unit also means you can reduce your storage footprint when your rollcage fleet is not in use.


  • Dimensions
    704W x 840D x 1767mm High
  • Safe Working Load
    250kg WLL maximum (125kg max on middle shelf)
HD Space

Rollcage Trolley


Traditionally used in supermarket applications, these roll cage units are now commonly supplied into warehouse and workshop applications due to their versatility of use. The foldaway shelf design makes this unit suitable for large boxes as well as more standard ones. The nesting design of the unit also means you can reduce your storage footprint when your rollcage fleet is not in use.

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